Clean & Damage Requirements

It is the Permittee’s responsibility to fully read and understand the clean up information and adhere to it. A fee of $70.00 per staff person per hour will be charged for any additional cleaning and/or repairs needed resulting from your event.

Permittee is responsible for removing all garbage and items for the Hall, restacking chairs and tables, and cleaning the facility. Additional fees may be charged against the deposit if the tables and chairs are not properly put away, heaters or coolers not turned off, and/or lights and ceiling fans are left on. The deposit shall be refunded to Permittee less any charges. The Chamber shall have thirty (30) working days to refund any portion of the deposit.

A full walk-through of the facility will take place prior to Permittee having access or keys to the building. This walk-through will take place no earlier than 9 a.m. It is highly recommended that the person responsible for cleaning the Hall attends this meeting. The condition of the facility will be noted by Chamber Staff and the Permittee, if present at the walk-through. The Permittee will be responsible for any subsequent damage to the Hall after the keys have been issued.

A walk-through of the facility will take place after the Permittee’s event and prior to the next rental. At this time any cleaning problems or damage will be noted by Chamber Staff and provided to the Permittee.